Our Philosophy superadmin September 13, 2022

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. 32 Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.

Matthew 13:31-32

This is how the story of our beloved association began. It started small as a mustard seed and grew by God’s will. It was under the care of God and the grace of those who believed in and realized that God’s projects are like a mustard seed. It starts small and humble, people hardly see it, then gradually becomes big Because God cares for it, directs it and develops it, gives it of His grace, and makes servants take care of it for it, so that with the days it becomes a tree with abundant branches in which the birds of the sky nest and the blessing of God glorifies it.

Yes, God has subjugated to the Anthony of Bethlehem Charitable Society, throughout its long history, a group of loyal sons of Bethlehem who believe in its humanitarian mission and who have succeeded in managing it, bearing its motto in their lives “in the service of God and man.” They planted and we ate, and we planted and they ate.”

Throughout its long history, those in charge of the association have struggled well in managing it, and made many feats in charitable work and serving humanity, and they carried beautiful memories that we must mention and document to be passed on to generations, and let us remind the children of what the grandparents did, so that they will be the best successor to the best ancestor.

Therefore, in this message, we must only mention with goodness those loyal monks, nuns and laymen who have served the Antonine Bethlehemian Charitable Society throughout its long history and who contributed to its growth and development with their thought, performance and charitable efforts. Throughout its long history, they have a great deal of thanks, appreciation and gratitude from us, asking God Almighty to bestow upon them heavenly blessings and reward them for their work, generosity, and performance with goodness, peace and blessing for them and their families.